Our Process of Becoming an Equity-Minded and Completion-Focused College


Accelerated Math and English: 教师 inquiry led to SLAM (Statistics and Liberal Arts Math) and STACC (Stretch Acceleration).
PCC Pathways: Title V grant funded the FYE program including Jam, College 1, and Student Success 团队.
Front Door Redesign: A one-year inquiry process led to proposals for a redesign of the Student Service 建筑物. and staff cross training.
Starting Students Right Committee: Onboarding steps were simplified, student emails edited, and wayfinding/signage were proposed.
One-Stop Welcome Center: Just-in-time support is provided to new students in Harbeson Hall each summer.
Helping Students Complete Committee: The process for transfer and degree and certificate awards were reviewed.
e-Grad Initiative: The graduation process was simplified, and forms were placed online.
PCC Pathways: Resources and services were developed for second and third year students.
PCC Complete: The priority registration policy was changed, and email, video, and other marketing strategies were developed to increase graduation rates.
Equity Retreats:  Over 400 faculty, staff, and managers attended retreats facilitated by USC’s Center for Urban Education.
Guided Pathways for Success (GPS): An institutional transformation framework was developed; six career communities (meta-majors) were created; program mapping for full and part-time students and presentations to campus 组 began.


Student Equity and Professional Development: Directors were hired.
Student Success Committee: The committee, co-led by Student Equity and Academic Senate personnel, has 11 working 组.
Student Success Centers:  Holistic support centers were developed with success teams (counselors, coaches and tutors) and directed learning activities.
PCC Onward:  Leadership and working 组 were formed; a branding/marketing campaign was initiated; a website was created.
CA Community Colleges Guided Pathways Grant:  The leadership team completed the self-assessment and five-year plan.
职业生涯 & Completion Center:  A working group began an inquiry to develop the program, design the center, and develop tools, resources, and services.